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新加坡国立大学新型 5G 数字化建筑技术中心将增强新加坡建筑环境行业的数字能力
New NUS Centre for 5G Digital Building Technology to augment digital capability of Singapore’s built environment industry
照片:5G研究带头人Shah KwokWei助理教授演示了基于云的5G智能FM数字孪生平台如何整合系统、流程以及加强建筑物设施管理技术。图片来源:新加坡国立大学
Photo : 5G Research Thrust Leader Assistant Professor Shah Kwok Wei demonstrates how the Centre’s 5G-enabled cloud-based digital twin platform for Smart FM integrates systems, processes, and technologies to enhance the management of a building’s facilities. Photo Credit: National University of Singapore
该中心将利用 5G 连接智能设施管理并构建建筑环境行业应用。
新加坡—为了促进实现面向未来建设的环境蓝图,新加坡国立大学(NUS) 建筑环境系于 2021 年 12 月 15 日成立了一个新的研究中心,以增强新加坡建筑业的数字化能力,加速 5G 培训和促进5G技术在智能设施管理中的应用。Singapore – In a boost to Singapore’s future-built environment landscape, the National University of Singapore (NUS) Department of the Built Environment has established a new research centre on 15 December 2021 to augment the digital capability of Singapore’s construction industry, accelerate 5G training and promote the adoption of 5G technologies in Smart Facilities Management (FM).到2025年,新加坡将力争在全国范围内实现 5G 覆盖,届时5G 数字建筑技术中心将在新加坡的数字研究转型中发挥重要作用。具体而言,该研究中心早已决心通过有高度影响力的研究,基础深厚的教育和广泛的最佳实践,成为数字建设技术的领导者。它将利用 5G 连接、基于云的数字孪生技术,智能FM机器人,构建建筑环境行业应用,并寻求改变人们设计、交付和管理新加坡建筑环境的方式。The Centre for 5G Digital Building Technology aims to play an important role in Singapore’s digital research transformation as the nation pushes to offer nation-wide 5G coverage by 2025. Specifically, it has set its sights to be a leading centre in digital building technology through high impact research, broad-based education, and implementing best practices. It will harness 5G connectivity, cloud-based digital twin and robotics for Smart FM and Built Environment industry applications and seek to transform the way people design, deliver and manage Singapore’s built environment.基于云的5G智能FM数字孪生平台整合了系统、流程以及加强建筑物设施管理技术。智能FM 的成功实施将有助于提高生产力和效率,并改善建筑物内居住者的整体健康和福祉。数字建筑技术创新也将推动建设环节发展,因为它可以降低成本、提高工作质量、提高安全性,提升设施性能。The Centre’s 5G-enabled cloud-based digital twin platform for Smart FM integrates systems, processes, and technologies to enhance the management of a building’s facilities. A successful implementation of Smart FM will help to increase productivity and efficiency, and also improve the general health and well-being of the occupants within the buildings. Digital building technology innovations will also provide a boost to the construction sector, as it results in cost reductions, higher quality of work, improved safety and better performance of facilities.“在这个瞬息万变的世界中,建筑环境部门面临着不断发展的前所未有的挑战。特别是,COVID-19彻底改变了我们的工作方式,并大大加速了数字技术的采用。我们新的5G 数字建筑技术中心将成为一个生动的实验室,我们可以在那里领导和测试创新性的数字解决方案,以创造更健康、更智能的建筑。同时,这也是一个可以让我们的学生接触真实世界场景和工具的良好学习场所,在那里我们可以更好地将他们培养成我们更智能建筑环境的领导者。” 新加坡国立大学设计与环境学院院长Lam Khee Poh 教授说到。“In this rapidly changing world, the built environment sector is confronted with unprecedented challenges to continuously evolve. In particular, the COVID-19 pandemic has radically changed the way we work and greatly accelerated the adoption of digital technology. Our new Centre for 5G Digital Building Technology will be a living laboratory where we can lead and test-bed innovative digital solutions to create healthier and smarter buildings. At the same time, it is a good learning ground for our students to be exposed to real-world scenarios and tools, where we can better nurture them into leaders of our smarter built environment,” said Professor Lam Khee Poh, Dean of the NUS School of Design and Environment (SDE).
率先为建筑环境提供创新的 5G 解决方案
Spearheading innovative 5G solutions for Built Environment5G 中心已开始与 12 个组织在数字建筑技术方面建立了合作伙伴关系。11 月,5G中心已经与新加坡土地管理局、M1 Limited、Techmetics Solutions Pte Ltd、CBM Pte Ltd、Glodon International Pte Ltd、Nokia Solutions and Networks Singapore Pte Ltd、Hikvision Singapore Pte Ltd、Globotix Pte Ltd、 Weston Robot Pte Ltd、VirSpatial Technologies Pte Ltd、Mind Pointeye Pte Ltd 和 Servo Dynamics PteLtd.签订了备忘录。The 5G Centre has kicked off a partnership with 12 organisations to collaborate in digital building technology. A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed in November with Singapore Land Authority, M1 Limited, Techmetics Solutions Pte Ltd, CBM Pte Ltd, Glodon International Pte Ltd, Nokia Solutions and Networks Singapore Pte Ltd, Hikvision Singapore Pte Ltd, Globotix Pte Ltd, Weston Robot Pte Ltd, VirSpatial Technologies Pte Ltd, Mind Pointeye Pte Ltd and Servo Dynamics Pte Ltd. 虽然组织已经开始测试隔离技术,但这种伙伴关系使该中心能够通过 5G 将不同的数字技术有效地结合到一个集成的数字孪生平台中,以便数据可以在云中无缝流动。一些令人兴奋的应用包括针对性消毒、垂直立面清洁机器人、智能废物监测和收集,以及用于检查泄漏和裂缝的建筑检查无人机。While organisations have started test-bedding isolated technologies, this partnership has enabled the Centre to effectively combine separate digital technologies into one integrated digital twin platform via 5G connectivity such that data can flow seamlessly through the cloud. Some exciting applications range from targeted disinfection, vertical fa?ade cleaning robot, intelligent waste monitoring and collection, to building inspection drones to check for leaks and cracks.5G研究带头人Shah KwokWei 教授表示:“该中心已着手的应用之一是使用 5G 数字孪生平台虚拟复制物理建筑,使设施管理专家能够更好地、实时地、可视化地管理和控制他们的财产。该中心通过使用物联网 (IoT) 传感器,增强运维的先进的机器人技术,创造基于云的5G智能FM数字孪生平台云,打造了3D 虚拟操作系统。”5G Research Thrust Leader, Assistant Professor Shah Kwok Wei, said, "One of the applications which the Centre has embarked on is to use 5G digital twin platform to virtually replicate physical buildings to enable facility management specialists to better visualise, manage and control their property assets in real-time. The Centre has created a 3D virtual operating system of systems by complementing 5G cloud-based digital twin platform with Internet of Things (IoT) sensors, and advanced robotics to enhance maintenance processes." COVID-19 还突出了安全和卫生问题(尤其是室内空间)。借助数字孪生、智能CCTV和视频分析,该中心正在开发一种应用程序,以有效清洁和消毒高风险和高接触点。The COVID-19 pandemic has also brought to the fore safety and hygiene issues, in particular of indoor spaces. Using digital twin, smart CCTVs and video analytics, the Centre is developing an application to effectively clean and disinfect high-risk and high-touch points.